News about Fiona Apple

Poolblood Enters Their Main-Character Moment, January 13, 2023
When Poolblood's Maryam Said answers their Zoom call with MTV News at home in Toronto, they're standing in front of a Frances Ha movie poster on which the main character — who has lost in quarter-life stagnation, growing alienated from her best friend, hopping between living situations — dances with joyful abandon — and music with joy. They adore this film, according to the 27-year-old dream-folk artist; they felt a lot with Frances in their first post-college years. Mole, the singer's debut album, was released on January 13, and films like My Own Private Idaho, with all its tumultuous yearning, and Black Swan, with its intense drive for perfection, were among the mood board. It culminated in an album that tells a tale of heartbreak and recovery through impressionistic emotional brushstrokes and a deep sense of atmosphere, naming Said as a songwriter to watch.

Olive Gray Is 'Halo''s Nonbinary, Cartoon-Watching Breakout Star, March 24, 2022
By Alex Gonzalez Who’s Watching? introduces a rising screen star who reveals their new role and how they got there in their own words. Miranda Keyes, a strong scientist with a keen sense of right and wrong, appears in Halo, a new show based on the hit video game series. Gray performs and writes poetry, making them a force to be reckoned with, not unlike their kickass sci-fi counterpart.