News about Ezra Pound

Entire books celebrate Winston Churchill's insults, but what jibes were directed at him?, April 22, 2024
Richard Haldane, a former Lord Chancellor, was famous for a dry sense of humour. On one occasion, Churchill prodded Haldane's portly tummy. 'What's in there?' Churchill asked. 'If it is a boy, I shall call him John. If it is a girl, I shall call her Mary. But if it is only wind, I shall call it Winston,' he replied. The U.S. poet Ezra Pound had some controversial words to say in a 1945 interview. He said of Churchill: 'Winston believes in the maximum of injustice enforced with the maximum of brutality.'

A new book explores whether grim news about artists could deter our interest in their work, June 1, 2023
The Book of the Week, Claire Dederer's Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma, asks if artists stand accused of doing or saying of doing or saying something awful, are we allowed to carry on enjoying their art?

Is it safe for a statue of Joe Orton after it was smuggish in the midst of a controversy over his sex life?, August 29, 2022
MICK HUME: Can anybody be safe from today's cancel culture and the modern statue-smashing, history-erasing thought police? First, the awakened culture warriors were known for their historical hate figures. The statue of Bristol merchant and Tory MP Edward Colston was erected in protest for his ties to the slave trade. Cecil Rhodes' statue was removed from an Oxford college as a symbol of British colonialism, according to the students. Evidently, they've scrapped a proposed statue of gay 1960s playwright Joe Orton, long a hero to liberal luvvies, due to his well-known sexual preference for teenage boys in Morocco and elsewhere.