News about Emma Gannon

The six-figure Substackers are gaining more than $100,000 a year by charging readers monthly fees, September 4, 2023
As they switch to self-publishing on the Substack website, bloggers, including British writers, are reaping in six-figure sums. Nicola Lamb (lower left), culture journalist Emma Gannon, and a historian Ed West are among those estimated to be selling at least £100,000 a year from their readers. Former No 10 advisor Dominic Cummings (top left), who charges £10 per month for full access to his thoughts and musings, has also favored the site (right). He has 47,000 followers, but they include those who pay nothing and can only read a select portion of his output.

Do YOU have success addiction? Find out what's causing you to burn out, according to a specialist, May 30, 2023
For those people, being able to do well through work is a significant piece of their lives. However, some experts warn against success, where you become addicted to work at the expense of other areas of your life. Emma Gannon, author of The Triumph Myth, shares eight tips on how to avoid trying to achieve it all. These include being aware of'arrival regression' and focusing on the process rather than achieving a milestone target. Pictured: Stock photo