News about Edmund Barton

When was the first recorded handshake?, December 5, 2023
ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS: The first documented representation of a handshake appears in a relief of Assyrian King Shalmaneser III's Throne Dais, which dates to about 846-845 BC. It depicts him shaking hands with King Marduk-shumi I of Babylon. Shalmaneser's support for Marduk-shumi, his unpopular brother, Marduk-bel-usati, and the ascension of Marduk-shumi to the throne are captured on the scene.

Port Macquarie is threatened by an indigenous movement to demolish Edmund Barton's statue, October 27, 2022
Arlene Mehan (left) wants the statue of Australia's first prime minister, Sir Edmund Barton, torn down from a waterfront park in Port Macquarie, but not everyone agrees that it's the right idea. His statue is the newest monument to a significant historical figure to be earmarked for removal in recent years due to previous 'racist' behavior. Barton, the prime minister from 1901 to 1903, is widely believed to have been a key architect of the White Australia policy.