News about Dennis Prager

Millionaire benefactor pulls $400,000 funding from ASU citing 'left-wing hostility and activism', July 14, 2023
After the college fired a staff member who hosted two conservative talks, including one by Charlie Kirk and Dennis Prager, a millionaire benefactor decided to withdraw almost half a million dollars from Arizona State University. T.W. founder and CEO Tom Lewis, a Scottsdale-based T.W. Lewis Co. has contributed millions of dollars to Arizona State University over the past 20 years, but those days are behind him. Lewis drew his support in recent weeks, blaming "left-wing hostility and activism" as well as a visceral reaction to the February event starring Kirk, Prager, and author Robert Kiyosaki. 'I had no confidence in Barrett to adhere to the terms of our donation and decided to cancel our contract,' Lewis wrote in a news release, "after seeing this level of left-wing hostility and activism, I no longer had any confidence in him and decided to terminate our deal effective June 30, 2023.' "I regret that this decision was necessary, and I'm hoping that Barrett and ASU will take strenuous steps to ensure that free expression will always be protected and that all voices are heard." Lewis suspected the school of attacking the speakers because of their conservative convictions. 'We hoped there would be some resistance because these were mainly conservative speakers, but Lewis was shocked and disgusted by the Barrett faculty and administration's outright hostility against these speakers.'