News about David Heaton

According to the report, nearly half of recyclable goods are thrown in the wrong bin and sent to landfill, October 21, 2022
Recycling is a great way to contribute to the climate while also safeguarding Earth's precious resources. However, a new report has found that our desire to be eco friendly could be doing more harm than good, as 17 percent of items sent for recycling have to be discarded. According to waste company Biffa, this is because Brits are guilty of 'wish-cycling,' implying that contaminated items can be recycled if put in the recycling can. Toothpaste tubes, disposable coffee cups, juice cartons, and greasy pizza boxes are among the most common items that are incorrectly recycled. Although non-recyclables can be identified in the separation process, food or liquid contamination could result in potential recycling being denied.