News about David Ayala

Chicago man, 62, exonerated after 42 years in prison for double shooting he did not commit reveals how he wakes up in a ball of sweat and tears as he struggles to adjust to life outside jail - and the meal he had to celebrate his freedom, December 26, 2023
After years of fighting for a murder they did not commit, Jimmy Soto, 60, and his cousin David Ayala, 60, were released just 11 days ago. The sentencing of two teenagers in 1981 was based almost solely on coerced witness testimony in Illinois' longest miscarriage of justice. He celebrated with a steak dinner out, but the freedom of freedom has been bittersweet as he attempts to sleep or eat after being in prison for years. 'I had to eat with a plastic spork for 42 years,' he told CBS when they visited him on Christmas Eve.' It was just awkward to hold a steak knife.'

After being cleared of the murders of two Chicago teenagers, two cousins who have been sitting in jail for 42 years have returned to their families for the first time since 1981, December 15, 2023
Jimmy Soto, 62, and his cousin David Ayala, 60, were released from jail for the first time since 1981. They were found guilty of a double murder they didn't commit. Julie Limas, 16, and US Marine Hector Valerino, 1981, were both serving life sentences for the murders of Julie Limas, 16, and US Marine Hector Valerino. Soto and Ayala, who were 20 and 18 at the time, were charged with carrying out a drive-by shooting into a crowd at a softball game. However, the prosecution was based largely on witness testimony because neither man admitted to the murders and there was no physical evidence, according to their lawyers. Both men pleaded their innocence for 42 years before being released from Stateville Correctional Center on Thursday evening, with Soto being shown in a heartwarming video being welcomed by his family as he tasted liberty. Soto said he avoided his ordeal by "the fact that I knew I was innocent," he continued: "The only other alternative was to give up, but that was not an option."