News about Daniela Vega

At The Power premiere in New York, Auli'i Cravalho raises the alarm against Indigenous women, March 24, 2023
With the premiere screening at the DGA Theater in New York City, the promotional push for the new science fiction drama series The Power continued. In an act of solidarity with Indigenous women and the No More Stolen Sisters movement, one of the main performers, Auli Cravalho, turned more than a few heads on her arrival to the festival with a large red handprint painted on her face. I am representing No More Stolen Sisters.' In an interview published on the Good Morning America Instagram page, it is about missing and murdered indigenous women.' The Kohala, Hawaii native who plays Jos Cleary-Lopez played the role of Jos Cleary-Lopez said that it is about missing and murdered indigenous women. We were fortunate enough to shoot in Vancouver for this series.' "I saw many a monument dedicated to them," Cravalho, 22, told her Indigenous brothers before revealing a sad statistic. 'Indigenous women are ten times more likely to be kidnapped or arrested, and it's sad that there aren't enough cases that are actually followed up with, and it shows how police are not using their money properly,' she said on the red carpet.'