Chyler Leigh Instagram

Chyler Leigh

IG ID: #1153382917
IG Username: @chy_leigh


1.88M followers, 252 Following

16 Mar 2022

As you might have seen, my friends and partners at BeVocal.SpeakUp are saying goodbye after seven years. I’m so grateful to Be Vocal for letting me talk about my own journey with mental health since way back in 2019. Through it all, the greatest part of this opportunity has been connecting with so many of you. As a society, we’ve come so far on how mental health is understood, perceived and cared for. But we’ve still got work to do. Which is why I will continue to speak up. Let’s help carry the torch forward to create a bright tomorrow for people living with and impacted by mental health conditions. There are so many ways you can affect change. Together with Be Vocal for the final time, I want to give you some ideas on making a difference. Tell your story–Your story and voice matter. Sharing your personal experiences can help others feel safe opening up, and can support your own wellness. Be there–Let the people in your life know that you’re there to listen, non-judgementally. This can be important for someone looking for help. Listen and learn–By learning more, you can be better prepared to help others or advocate for better care in your community. Start by exploring organizations who do incredible work each day: afspnational; jedfoundation; mentalhealthamerica; namicommunicate; dbsalliance; nationalcouncil Share diverse resources–Mental health is for everyone. Familiarizing yourself with and elevating resources that address diverse backgrounds and experiences can help bring us closer to an environment where everyone feels like they have access to the support they need. Have real conversations about language–Words matter. The language we use shapes perceptions and perspectives. Model using non-judgmental or “people-first” language. Provide context when discussing those who are living with mental health conditions, and recognize that a diagnosis does not define a person. People living with mental health conditions are parents, friends, colleagues, leaders and so on. It all matters. We have the power to make a difference. Let’s keep speaking up, keep going. And remember, you are not alone, help is always available if you need it. #Sponsored #BeVocalSpeakUp

Posted by @chy_leigh on

7 Dec 2021

It’s officially the winter holiday season, and I am grateful to be able to spend so much time with my family right now. But I also try to remember that “holiday” doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone – and that while joyful for many, this time of year can be really tough for people too. So my friends at BeVocal.SpeakUp and I want to share a few important reminders about this time of year and mental health: - For some, being around family can be triggering; keep this in mind when you’re speaking with friends about plans, don’t pass judgment, and try to hold space if someone wants to open up to you about this. - Images you see on Instagram and other social media platforms are often people’s best and brightest moments, but they’re not always the whole picture. When scrolling, try not to compare your “behind the scenes” to their “highlight reels.” It’s ok to not have a picture-perfect feed or perfect experiences. - It’s been a hard few years, and having mixed emotions about the holidays is ok. - Taking a break from holiday season events to rest and recharge is also ok. - Importantly, always remember: it’s ok to not be ok. There is no right or wrong way to feel right now – but no matter what, you deserve support and care for your mental well-being. Creating a safe space for you and others to talk about your mental health can help; so can preparing ahead for stressful times, and making sure you have a “take care of my mental health” plan in place. Know that there are amazing resources available to support you. Here are a few that I recommend checking out: afspnational; jedfoundation; mentalhealthamerica; namicommunicate; dbsalliance; nationalcouncil Be safe. Be well. Keep going. +++ #Sponsored #BeVocalSpeakUp #MentalHealth #SelfCare #SelfLove #ItsOkNotToBeOk #NotAlone

Posted by @chy_leigh on