News about Christian Jessen

Think Around the World in 80 Weighs is shocking? A look at Noughties weight loss shows that no one will be made today, from Fat Families to Supersize Vs. Superskinny, as Brits are left stunned by a fat-shaming program, January 22, 2024
Around the World in 80 Weighs, Channel 4's latest series, has shocked British people as they travel around the globe to experience different cultural reactions to diet and weight loss. Six contestants returned to Japan, where only four percent of the population is overweight compared to 25 percent of Britons. The participants were able to stand out from the crowds in suburban Tokyo, where schoolchildren were already pointing and laughing as obesity became so common in Northeast Asia. The British people were clearly shocked by the Japanese's open attitude to fat shaming, a controversial tactic in the western world, where doctors have been encouraged to refrain from using stern words against weight control. However, it wasn't long ago that Brits accepted fat-shaming as entertainment, with diet shows dominating the TV schedules in the Noughties. Now that cultural values have changed, MailOnline looks at the controversial programs that would never be made these days.