News about Caroline Williams

Since he died for a child, he left me with presents. 2, the next door will open every year until she is 16, December 21, 2022
Ken Watson (inset), who was 87, was close to Owen and Caroline Williams for the first two years of his life, and befriended their daughter Cadi (left and right). When he died, they were shocked when his daughter Jenny gave Cadi a sack full of presents until she was 16. The family was 'knocked off their feet' by his generosity and began a tradition of Cadi opening her 'Ken gift' every Christmas Eve. Tomi Ungerer's first gift Cadi opened in 2018 was a book called Christmas Eve At The Mellops. A cuddly goat, a train set spelling "Cadi" was 2020's gift, and last year she published a huge Crayola coloring book. Since the presents are wrapped, all the children from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, have no idea what's inside. But Cadi, who is now six, is looking forward to opening Ken's fifth gift on Saturday.