News about Caroline Smith

In a fit of rage, a trucker, 52, stormed out of her houseboat and throttled her neighbor's cockerel, June 16, 2023
Caroline Smith (pictured left and right with husband Patrick Smith) 52, became so distraught with the bird's crowing that she jumped out of her boat and grabbed the Araucana laying cockerel named Eddie around the neck before dumping it to the ground. Although not screaming: 'I'm sick of it, but I've sorted it,' she was seen standing over the bird on a stretch of the Leeds and Liverpool canal in Adlington, Lancashire. The haulage driver said she spent six months of sleepless nights as a result of the squawking, which had almost ended her career. Eddie was rushed to a vet's surgery where a study revealed the bird had suffered a 'traumatic brain injury' as a result of an extended period of asphyxiation.