News about Carles Puigdemont

Protesters in Spain clashed with police after Pedro Sanchez's radical party gave a controversial amnesty to Catalan separatists who participated in an unlawful movement for independence, November 11, 2023
Pedro Sanchez, Spain's acting Prime Minister, has sparked a lot of anxiety over his promise of amnesty for Catalan separatists. Sanchez received the support of the National Basque Party (PNV) and the Canaries' Union, as well as the National Basque Party (PNV) and the Canaries' Coalition. As a result, he seems to be guaranteed another term in office after securing the support of the regional parties, granting him a absolute majority in the 350-member lower house in the coming days. Sanchez's relationship with the Catalan rebels has opened up a gap in Spanish society and puts the ability of his own political family in jeopardy, according to observers.