News about Bull Connor

White Fragility is so bad it's an Achievement!'New York Times columnist John McWhorter slates woke author Robin DiAngelo after she claimed he 'doesn't speak for the majority of black people', December 28, 2023
Robin DiAngelo, a black New York Times columnist and Columbia linguist, was slammed for saying that he 'doesn't speak for the majority of Black people.' DiAngelo characterized John McWhorter as a very conservative individual in an episode of The Pan-African Experience Podcast with Sochima Iroh, insisting that he does not represent the views of the majority of black people. 'John McWhorter is a black man and he's conservative,' she said. I'm sure he hasn't ever heard of bigotry, but it has been a benefit to be black, and I wouldn't want to do anything else about him, but I don't think he speaks for the overwhelming majority of black people.'

Robin DiAngelo, a White Fragility author, has been accused of pro-segregation, March 23, 2023
Robin DiAngelo, a 'White Fragility' author, made a separatist argument in which she called for racial segregation in order to combat bigotry, which prompted a racial stigma in an attempt to combat bigotry, provoking bewilderment from commentators.' 'People of color must get away from White people and have some kind of community with each other,' DiAngelo said during a March 1 webinar, 'Racial Justice: The Next Frontier.' People who do not consent to anti-racist instruction do not belong in modern workplaces, according to DiAngelo.

Biden is in damage control less after demonizing half of America's voters: JONATHAN BRONITSKY, September 2, 2022
BRONITSKY: The Commander in Chief is trying to convince America that he did not say what it heard not more than 24-hours after giving the worst, most inflammatory presidential address of the modern era. 'I'mon, guys, I don't think any Trump supporter is a threat to the country,' he told reporters on Friday.' People who voted for Donald Trump - and now support him - were not voting against the Capitol.' They weren't voting for overruling the election. They were going for a 'philosophy' that he had formulated.' Let's break it down. 'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our country's republic.' 'MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards-backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to condomation, and no right to marry someone you love.' Biden was not discussing a tiny part of the Republican Party at the time. He was notably referring to and slandering a large portion of the country that believes in the sanctity of life and has steadfastly praised the American tradition of excellence. This wasn't a slip of the tongue.