News about Brian Adams

Thanks to the digital revolution, flews from yesteryear are on the streaming charts, November 4, 2022
Don't Stop Believing, Here Comes the Sun, and Bryan Adams' Summer of '69 are just two of the songs that have gained a new following thanks to the streaming phenomenon. Here comes the Sun from the Beatles' 1969 album Abbey Road (top left), which was never announced as a single, is now the band's only hope to appear on the chart of the best streaming hits by year, compiled by the Official Charts. The Summer of '69,' which hit a record of 42 on its first release in 1985, is now the most streamed song from 1985. However, Smells Like Teen Spirit's 1991 album Everything I Do (I Do It For You) came in first place by Nirvana (pictured bottom right). I Got A Woman After being sampled in Kanye West's Gold Digger, Ray Charles' (pictured at bottom right) was given a lift and is now the most-played hit of 1954.