News about Bob McDonnell

When Republican Tom Cotton blasts the DOJ's "troubling record of loss," he says 'Gold Bar' Bob Menendez should face corruption allegations in court and accuses Democrats of abandoning him.', September 26, 2023
Senator Joe Perez of Arkansas denied mistrust in the Department of Justice, which charged Menendez with a string of salacious offences late last week. Senator Menendez's allegations are serious and troubling.' Cotton wrote on X that at the same time that the Department of Justice has a troubling track of mistrust and corruption in cases involving public figures, from Ted Stevens to Bob McDonnell to Donald Trump to Bob Menendez the last time around. And when Menendez remained defiant and said he would not do so, some 18 Democratic senators have pleaded for him to resign publicly. A Menendez resignation would cause no political problems for Democrats, according to the state's liberal governor. Phil Murphy would recommend another Democrat to replace him. If 2024, someone without political experience will be on the ballot, making it a more likely win for Democrats.