News about Billy Wagner

As a result of a bitter custody dispute, eight family members were murdered as a result of a bitter custody conflict, September 11, 2022
Edward 'Jake' Wagner, 28, who pleaded guilty to Hannah Rodden's murder with whom he had a child, and seven of her relatives, was shot several times on April 22 as she tried to convince her to give over custody of their child. Christopher Rhoden Sr., 40, mother Dana Rhoden, 37, and his brothers Clarence, 20, and Christopher Jr., 16, were also killed. Hannah Gilley, 20, Christopher Sr.'s brother, Kenneth Rhoden, 44, and cousin Gary Rhoden, 38, were shot dead in four separate homes around rural Ohio. After agreeing to a plea bargain in which she admitted to conspiring to murdering the families of eight children, Wagner's mother, Angela, 51, was sentenced to 30 years in jail. George 'Billy' Wagner III, 50, and George Wager IV, Jr., have all pleaded not guilty, with his younger brother set to be the first to go on trial next week.