News about Bill Bowerman

As part of a luxury goods auction worth $60 million, an ultra-rare sneaker collection starring two of Michael Jordan's signature high tops is set to go on sale, March 21, 2024
The most sought-after-shoes in the lot are unquestionably those signed by Michael Jordan, which were made solely for him and worn during his rookie years in the NBA. According to reports, the rookie red shoes will sell for more than $200,000. A set of handmade racing shoes created by Nike's co-founder Bill Bowerman can be purchased alongside 800 pairs of sneakers. The 1972 Nike 'Moon Shoes' were made for the Olympic trials, but only 12 were ever made.

Layoffs loom at Nike as it is set to cut costs by $2 BILLION over the next three years due to 'softer' revenue, December 22, 2023
With layoffs totaling $2 billion for the second quarter, Nike has introduced new steps to'streamline' its company. Officials did not specify whether layoffs would be included in the cost-cutting campaign, but did predict that it would cost more than a billion from mainly severance expenses, which was more than double what it estimated before. Those fires, 700 of them, occurred in the midst of the pandemic outbreak in 2020, and they were also characterized as a'streamlining' effort. Now, Nike is in the middle of a downturn, as the company's once-famous stranglehold on the market begins to dwindle. Those who prefer convenience and breaking footholds among runners and those that prefer comfort, while others that prefer convenience and comfort, and companies like Adidas and New Balance have criticized the decline by bringing back older models.