News about Ben Nicholson

Auctioneer accuses the BBC of devaluing a Ben Nicholson painting by up to £100,000 after it appeared on Fiona Bruce's Fake or Fortune where experts speculated it might be a fake, April 4, 2024
Fake or Fortune, hosted by Fiona Bruce (left), may have devalued a celebrated artist's original work by thousands of pounds, owing to increased dramatization. The mural was created by modernist artist Ben Nicholson, who died in 1982 at the age of 87, as a thank you gift for remaining there in 1947. (centre) The Nicholson mural provoked controversy before experts said it was 'probably' an informal collaboration work between the artist and the homeowner, Fred Staite Murray. (right)

St Ives, the Cornish town that transfixed artist Barbara Hepworth, wandering the cobbled lanes, February 17, 2023
Sarah Turner takes a tour of Hepworth's St Ives, stopping off at her former home and studio and admiring her artwork in St Ia's Church, which is based on the relaxed pub-come-hotel Pedn Olva. Sarah reveals that Hepworth moved to the town in 1939 with an eight-year-old son, four-year-old triplets, and a tumultuous friendship with abstract artist Ben Nicholson.

A Modigliani sketch is worth £100,000 - it's a piece of art that is to be sniffed at: The Modigliani sketch has been valued at £100,000 by a renowned SMELLS expert, August 30, 2022
You might imagine an expert reaching for a magnifying glass to verify the authenticity of a work of art. However, one art specialist has valued a Modigliani at £100,000, after leaning in and smelling it. Fiona Bruce, a BBC One presenter, wondered if a sketch, which appears to be dating between 1915-1919, was by Italian artist Modigliani. However, it was a'smell test' by Dr. Kenneth Wayne that established its value, after he reported that the smelt was created.' The president of The Modigliani Project, who is now directing a new Catalogue Raisonne of Modigliani's works, described the sketch as being both familiar and smelling of the time it was made, assuaging a group of experts that it was authentic.

CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night's TV: Kenya's poisoned lions and the fury of a big cat guru, August 24, 2022
CHRISTOPHER STEVENS: Kenya's poisoned lions and the cries and commotions of a large cat guru are among a few of Kenya's poisoned lions and the commotion of a lion guru. A review of Lion: The Rise And Fall Of The Marsh Pride (BBC2) and Fake Or Fortune? (BBC1) BBC1) Lion: The Rise And Fall Of The Marsh Pride This extended family of animals in the Masai Mara nature reserve over 25 years tracked filmmaker Simon King's work for the BBC with this extended family of animals.