News about Anthony Carroll

Bondi Rescue Reunion: On New Year's Day, lifeguard Anthony 'Harries' Carroll reunited with the baby he brought back to life, October 24, 2023
Anthony Carroll, aka Harries, had just wrapped up a long shift at Bondi Beach on New Years Day and was headed home when he was confronted by a distraught man who had somehow fallen and struck his head on the road. Despite being off-duty, Harries grabbed a defibrillator kit and jogged to the promenade with several colleagues to help the eight-week-old Magnes, who had stopped breathing and was showing no signs of life. Magnes' struggling parents and a large crowd of spectators listened as Harries desperately attempted CPR before adding a ventilation mask and bag over the baby's face. He is eventually brought back to life and lets out a yelph before paramedics take over and whisk the baby away in an ambulance. Magnes has since made a complete recovery and returned to Bondi Beach with his grateful parents for a special visit ten months ago.