News about Ann B. Davis

The Brady Bunch fan, 53, has sold a home that was used as the exterior for the popular TV show for $3.2 million, September 12, 2023
Tina Trahan, 53, of 'The Brady Bunch,' has paid $3.2 million for the Los Angeles home that served as the exterior of the Brady Bunch home on the famous television show. The home was sold for about 9 percent less than the seller, the television network HGTV, paid for it in 2018. She is the wife of former HBO chief executive Chris Albrecht and has a passion for historic homes as well as a fondness for the first TV show and the 1995 film. Nobody will live in the house, and her aim is to use the house for fundraising and charitable activities. Trahan likened it to a life-sized dollhouse.

HGTV and on the market have renovated the Brady Bunch home, May 26, 2023
The home on the famed series The Brady Bunch is back on the market, five years after HGTV purchased the house and redesigned it with retro authenticity. According to The Hollywood Reporter, HGTV sank a $3.5 million bid on the Studio City, California abode, doubling what the asking price was.