News about Amy Chua

She was the first Tiger Mum whose book advocated for stern parenting. Amy Chua shares: "How I knew that if I didn't change, my daughter would hate me for ever.", October 1, 2023
When Amy Chua's book Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother lay out in detail Amy Chua's ultra-hardline parenting techniques, she was chastised as 'the worst mother on the planet.' Sleepovers were outlawed, A grades were mandatory, and her teenage daughters, Sophia and Lulu, were supposed to play music for up to six hours a day (when they couldn't figure out how to do a difficult task, she threatened to burn their stuffed toys). The book sparked a worldwide firestorm, with the word 'tiger mom', an obsessively tight and pushy parent, entering the public lexicon. Amy was portrayed as ferocious in every way. The Tiger Mum was de-fanged five years ago. She was told by her doctor that she nearly died after being brought down by an early-onset of diverticulitis - a disease that attacks the colon. "I lost control of one lung, had eight tubes inserted in me, including one in my heart valve, and all of my hair," she says. Every organ was shutting down.'