Amber Tamblyn Instagram

Amber Tamblyn

IG ID: #9431862
IG Username: @amberrosetamblyn


332.68k followers, 115 Following

18 Oct 2022

It’s publication day today for our incredible book. I’ve got my lipstick on. My Jack Hirschman pin on. My favorite glasses on. I’m feeling all the feels, as the kids say. I wrote this book alongside brilliant women doctors, journalists, artists and healers because I believe our intuition—the connection between what our bodies can tell us and our minds can compel us—is the most vital tool we have to fight with in a world that continues to wage war against the feminine. The war is against our bodies. It is against our rights. Our stories. Our emotional intelligence. Our softness. Men are also survivors of this war. They too have been taught and conditioned to be disconnected from these same qualities and intelligences. My hope is that this next generation of young girls, boys, and non-binary kids won’t have to grow up disconnected and distrustful of their bodies and what their interior lives can teach them. This book offers a way out of the numbness; a re-sensitizing of what we feel, how we feel it, and what that feeling can provide for our lives and the lives of the people we love. In these pages you will find a practical and applicable guide to nurturing your own unique intuitive process, bringing you one step closer, one stride deeper, to everything you were ever meant to become. The book is available as of today everywhere where books are sold in the U.S. and Canada, as well as available on audiobook. Get yourself a copy and take in what your body can hear and your mind can achieve when you’re wide open, listening in the dark. #ListeningInTheDark

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