News about Alex Ward

'Why did it take so long?': Parents, campaigners and former child patients hail bombshell report that dismantles NHS's transgender treatment model - but claim 'we've known for years this is a population of vulnerable young people', April 10, 2024
Hannah Barnes (left), a prolific reporter on NHS gender services, has praised the Cass Report, which concluded young people were being set on paths of irreversible change without substantial medical evidence to support their treatment. She said the report is an 'incredibly thorough' piece of work examining how the service treats young people seeking gender-affirming care, adding that society owed its author, Dr Hilary Cass (right), a 'huge debt of gratitude'. Leading paediatrician Dr Cass concluded there was a 'lack of high-quality research' on the effects of giving puberty blockers to transgender children.