Alexandra Rachael Rabe (Lexi Rabe) fun facts, movies, siblings, parents, and more

Posted by Esther Young on June 22, 2021

Alexandra Rachael Rabe (Lexi Rabe) is a 9-year-old child actress and model, born on June 15, 2012, in Los Angeles, California, to Jessica Rabe and her father. Her siblings are Logan N. Rabe and Elizabeth Hemmingsen.

Movies and TV shows she starred in are Avengers: Endgame (2019), Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), Stargirl (2020), All things Hidden in Fiabia (2021), and Silk Road (2021).


Fun Facts:

1- Her role model is her mom (Jessica Rabe).

2- Her favorite food is cheeseburgers.

3- Billie Eilish is on the top of her playlist.

4- Lexi loves animals.

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Lexi Rabe

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