News about Tara Smith

The Supreme Court's decision that embryos are children can spark an abortion-style discussion over fertility treatment, February 22, 2024
After a US court ruled that frozen embryos are children, British fertility experts are concerned that IVF will become the UK's next "cultural battleground" similar to abortion access. The Supreme Court of Alabama has ruled that clinics could be held accountable for destroying fertilized eggs. Any fertility clinics in the state have already suspended procedures, afraid that they, or their employees, may be prosecuted for certain aspects of IVF that resulted in embryo destruction. The debate is expected to grow in intensity, with reproductive right campaigners concerned that a domino effect will occur when other US states follow Alabama's example. Christian organisations in the United Kingdom have already voiced their support for the controversial decision. Experts in fertility therapy in the United Kingdom are also concerned that the subject of fertility medicine is about to become tense and divisive debate as abortion.

According to the CDC, it is "confident" that it might have an Ebola outbreak that has caused the death of 24 people in Uganda, October 19, 2022
Senior health experts are 'confident' that Ebola will not reach the United States as the disease grips an African nation. This week, Uganda declared a Covid-style lockdown, prompting an overnight ban and the closing of bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues in two regions. Since late September, sixty cases and 24 deaths have been documented, although there have been reports of a'strange disease' dating back to August. However, Dr. Joel Montgomery, who oversees outbreak response in the United States, said today that it was unlikely that the virus would reach Uganda. During an interview, he said, 'They've been responding to Ebola outbreaks for years and are actually really good at it.'