News about Robert Wadlow

In a recent table, the countries with the tallest men are uncovered, June 11, 2023
According to Oxford University's Our World in Data website, the mean height for men in the European Union is an underwhelming 182.54 cm (5ft 8inches) – roughly equivalent to about 11 stacked pint glasses. Although the heights weren't particularly impressive, the United Kingdom pulled the short straw for the world's tallest men.

You're 9ft 6in?That's a tall story!World's tallest man shoots down challenger's bid for the title, January 4, 2023
Sultan Kösen, 40, who stands at 8ft 3in, proudly flaunted his certificate after reports that Sulemana Abdul Samed could stand at 9ft 6in. After doctors estimated his height at a rural clinic in Ghana but did not have the right technology to measure him, Beanpole Sulemana, 29, gained worldwide notice. He was attending a monthly appointment to address health issues. Mr Kösen, 40, would be the tallest man in history based on the unverified record.