News about Michael Rice

UK Eurovision flop Michael Rice wows American Idol with jaw-dropping audition that leaves Lionel Richie and Katy Perry in tears, April 2, 2024
On the hit US show American Idol, a British Eurovision singer has tries his luck across the pond. Michael Rice, a born in Hartlepool, entered the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest for the United Kingdom but came in last place with just 16 points. Michael, 26, is still dreaming of playing for American Idol last October, with his jaw-dropping try-out broadcasting in the United States last month.

I'm a flight attendant - here are the three things we always eat on the plane and you should too, July 15, 2023
A long flight can be an uncomfortable one at the best of times, but it has made it all the more difficult if your stomach is growing. Fortunately, flight attendants have developed a useful collection of travel hacks - as well as the foods jetsetters' willingness to avoid eating at all costs. While tempting chocolates and crisps, cabin crew members have suggested healthier snacks instead. Here is the list of things flight attendants recommend you eat on long trips to avoid jetlag and post-flight puffiness

Governor Tudor Dixon of Michigan is forced to clarify her meaning of porn, September 21, 2022
During a bizarre press conference on Tuesday, Michigan GOP presidential nominee Tudor Dixon was forced to inform the world her definition of pornography. Dixon, 45, continued to suggest that the reporter get some pornography samples. Her remarks came during a discussion in Michigan over which textbooks are appropriate for students in the state's public schools. The press conference was held on the steps of the Michigan Department of Education headquarters in Lansing. On top of that, there is a debate over teacher preparation videos in the state. In some circumstances, it is acceptable for teachers to withhold information about a student's sexual orientation or gender identity from parents, if the child's wellbeing is in jeopardy. Dixon began by saying that if she were to become the state's governor, her administration would prohibit school workers from talking to young children about sex and gender stereotypes from their parents' backs.' Any teacher caught discussing sex or sexuality with a child without the parents' knowledge would be arrested 'prosecuted,' she said, just as they would do today if they did it at a bus stop.' Dixon also stated that she favors a statewide ban on books that were deemed pornographic. The nominee was asked by a reporter: 'Can you define what pornographic means for you in terms of books in K-12 schools?'The part-time actor answered: 'Do you need me to define pornographic?' So, there are two naked people and they are performing a sexual act, as well as various sexual activities.' Do you want me to send you some so you can see them?' The conservative said, 'This would be fine,' when the reporter said she would be fine if Dixon would have pornography.'