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Marianne Williamson

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16 Jan 2023

I’ve been thinking recently about generations. I heard a rabbi say that every generation has its own wisdom. I can see that. Its own challenges and its own wisdom. It’s own unique slant on things. Its own pain and its own story to tell. As with being a woman, or a man, or a white person, or a Black person, or a gay person, or a straight person, or non-binary, or anything else, there’s a particular view of things you can have from within a system that no one else can have. That’s why each of us must find the wisdom and seek to be the voice of our own time and place and ethnicity and culture. Life is like an amazing kaleidoscope in which every color, every pattern, every shape is part of a larger whole that would be lacking were there to be any piece missing. Blue’s job isn’t to tell green how to be green. Blue’s job is to be the most beautiful shade of blue it can possibly be. Being a boomer, until several years ago I always saw my generation in relation to the ones that came before it. Now, however, with millennials and Gen X and Gen Z assuming their roles in the ferris wheel of generational change, I see my generation as much in relation to those who came after us as to those who came before. I remember my mother once saying to me, “You know, however old you are you’ve been the ages that went before.” It’s fascinating watching younger people and thinking things like, “Oh, that’s how they do 25 now!” Every generation has a rambunctious way of arriving on the scene with a huge shout of “We’re heeere!” — thinking that now at last the world will get things right! It’s a gift of nature that we do think that, because if the full realities of life dawned on you when you were young then you might not be able to carry the weight of knowing how hard the world will try to break you. Disappointments will follow, no matter who you are, and finally, acceptance. Then, in ways I couldn’t have expected when I was younger, comes power. (To read the rest of the article please visit the Linktree or

Posted by @mariannewilliamson on

8 Jan 2023

This protest in support of Iran was outside my window today. If I had known it was happening, I would’ve been with them. I hope there is someone in Iran who sees this and gets some comfort in knowing how many people around the world support their efforts for freedom. Such extraordinarily brave people. In the meantime, it’s heartbreaking to think of the mistakes made in the past that contributed to the rise of the fundamentalist, dictatorial rule that’s been in charge in that country since 1979. If you haven’t seen the movie Argo, you should. It points out the role the United States and Britain played, overthrowing a democratically elected government in Iran in the 1950s. That imperialistic venture was in response to Iran’s president insisting that the oil in Iran should belong to the Iranian people and not to British Petroleum. Their puppet was the Shah of Iran, a tough guy but, as they say, “our tough guy.” His brutal regime then led to the 1979 revolution in which the Ayatollah Khomeini came into power. Iran has been under a brutal dictatorship ever since. Important to remember that Persian culture is one of the most brilliant in the world. Like Afghanistan, its people - including its women - were once flourishing and modern and free. Today’s protests in Iran are courageous beyond words. Particularly their young people, particularly their women, are showing all of us how it’s done. May they be blessed.

Posted by @mariannewilliamson on

1 Jan 2023

RINGING IN THE NEW (From This morning I came back to the States from an extraordinary week in Israel. From Christmas Eve service at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, to Kaballah studies with a Chassidic rabbi and my first mikvah, I experienced the opening of the spiritual portal that millions of people around the world associate with the Holy Land. The political situation involving Israel and Palestine is a layer of heartbreak that cuts through the land, never far away from one’s consciousness, a problem never easy to analyze much less figure out how to solve. I have spoken to enough Jews and Arabs, Israelis and non-Israelis, to know that standard Western political narratives do not begin to recognize the deeper dynamics of trauma and fear that pervade the situation…or how best to heal them. But I left Israel this week as I have left it before, with this prayer from A Course in Miracles on my heart: “The holiest spot on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.” May it be so. Tonight being New Year’s Eve, I’m reminded of Thomas Paine’s exhortation that “we have it in our power to begin the world over again.” He was talking about politics and not New Year’s Eve, of course, but I think the point is the same: whether it’s in a country, or simply in our own lives, it is always possible to start over. To begin again. To let go the past and create something new for ourselves and for our children. (To read the rest of the article please visit the Linktree or

Posted by @mariannewilliamson on

28 Dec 2022

I was asked on Rising how I feel about 2024…

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