News about Jeffrey Gibson

In response to increasing demand for mass-produced synthetic fibers, farmers burn sheep fleeces in protest over'messly' wool prices, February 13, 2024
The 'wool cheque,' a fee paid to farmers in exchange for their produce, has often covered the annual cost of a farm's rent. Farmers now claim that the payments are so'measly' that the effort of collecting and transporting their wool isn't worth it. Factors including the rise of synthetic wool material have been blamed for the fall in wool clothing, with Covid-19 also cited as a cause

Almost every prank' by armed teenagers trying to knock down doors has targeted Florida homeowners, June 14, 2023
Jeffrey Gibson was a victim of the prank in Deltona on Tuesday, and the corporation arrived at his house right after midnight. A shirtless teen with a mask over his head was seen kicking his door three times while someone else was recording him. The group was seen sprinting and leaping in a nearby getaway car, leaving Gibson and his wife worried about their safety.

Portland Art Museum offers groveling apology to Native American woman, March 15, 2023
Since being asked by a Native American woman to adhere to the institution's rules and remove the baby basket she was carrying on her back, the Portland Art Museum has given a groveling apology. Sophie Neuner, a woman, posted a snapshot and statement on her Facebook claiming that the museum was racist for asking her to delete the large woven baby carrier she was using to help her children as they moved around the museum.