News about James Wolfe

After telling their nephew, 40, to be dead inside, a Wife, 48, of Texas, has been charged with murder.', April 8, 2024
In a 'feud' against James Wolfe, 40, was shot in the chest at his uncle, Harris County justice of the peace Bob Wolfe, 72, who was reportedly fired by his aunt Mei Wolfe, 48, in a 'feud' against him overstaying his welcome. Following Mei's allegedly returning to the room brandishing it, the elder Wolfe called 911 as the situation escalated and attempted to grab the weapon. However, it was too late. After graduating from college, James did not go back to Houston but his uncle was staying with his uncle. Mei was not getting along with her nephew, according to police, and the situation between them was described as a 'continuing feud'.

Why the vandals who cut down Captain Cook's statue are wrong: Historian JEREMY BLACK explains why famous navigator who charted Australia and New Zealand is an unfair target of anti-colonial mob, January 26, 2024
Captain James Cook is ripe for demolition at this moment, according to the attackers. He has also been targeted in Australia by 'anti-racism' campaigners, who have been bitterly chastised in Australasia, particularly Australia. And now the vandals have struck. Not sure about the Cook statues in the United Kingdom yet, but in Australia, the same statues were on display. The bronze statue of Cook (top right), which was built in 1914, has been sawn off at the ankles and kicked off its plinth (left), which has been painted in red with the phrase 'The Colony will fall'. In contrast, red is the vandals' color, since it implies that there is blood on the hands of such figures. Cooking is inaccurate. Red paint was also sprayed over Melbourne's Queen Victoria monument, which was daubed with the same word. Cook's depiction of taking possession of New South Wales is on display at the bottom right.