News about James Fleet

The 30 best period dramas to watch on demand: Our critics sift through thousands of options to pick the most romantic, gripping and steamy shows to enjoy right now, February 21, 2024
A dramatic mixture of tension, passion, and intrigue can be obtained during period dramas. But with so many options across so many streaming services, where should you start? Well, our reporters have done the hard work for you by sifting through copies to bring you an unbeatable selection of 30 options that will take you back to the excitement and passion of long-past eras.

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is heartbreaking and a bit sexy - if you can suspend disbelief, May 7, 2023
DEBORAH ROSS: As we'd say, Queen Charlotte is an origins tale, we'd say, and although the first series of Bridgerton was great and sexy, and the second was Mills & Boon-ish and not so sexy, this is more sexy, but it's more than that, as it continues to be developed late in the six episodes - it's more sexy. At the end, I cried, but I am not ashamed to admit it. Except that I am. A little.

Gary Waldhorn, the actor of Dibley, owes £1.44 million to his only son Josh, who died in his will.', November 22, 2022
Following his death in January this year, Gary Waldhorn is thought to have left a massive sum of £1.44 million in his will. Joshua, the late Vicar of Dibley, is said to have left the entire sum to his only son Joshua, who shared with former wife Christie Dickason.