News about Helen Gurley Brown

How to Survive Life's Second Act... admitting that you can't have it all, May 8, 2023
LORRAINE CANDY: Many of us are ambushed by the sudden disappearance of our mojo as we enter our mid-40s. We stand in front of the mirror and wonder what we're looking at. Well, now that I'm 54 and feel as though I'm just about done with this baffling, I have good news: this unraveling is temporary. Gen X has simply arrived in the tumultuous middle of the game and needs assistance in navigating it both physically and mentally.

According to a survey, women choose what they want out of life as they age, August 18, 2022
Having it all' - both work and family life - is a defining goal for those just starting out in their careers. However, for the majority of women who have reached their forties, 'having enough' has been the aim. According to a worldwide survey of 7,000 women by the beauty company Avon, 66% of those in that age group had moderated what they wanted out of life. The figure in the United Kingdom, where 1,000 women were interviewed, was lower, at 56%, but the conviction was stronger in the Philippines, South Africa, and Turkey. The influence of Covid was attributed to shifts in attitudes, with the majority acknowledging that life is fragile and getting older is something to be grateful for.' Picture: file image