News about Ernest Rutherford

Not even the Queen would have predicted such a rich in music and beauty on such a large scale, September 19, 2022
DOMINIC SANDBROOK: Of all the spectacular shows that have unfolded in our country's capital over the past 70 years, there has never been one like Queen Elizabeth II's funeral. It was also Britain's saddest day and our best, utterly stunning and yet poignant. And amid the pomp and glamour, it was difficult to forget that this was a farewell to an individual human being, a wife and mother with dreams and concerns that we may never know. And as I watched her children and grandchildren, I was reminded of many humbler funerals, much removed from the world's view. Of course, this was not just a private function. Such is the burden of monarchy. Even in death, there can be a great deal between the personal and the public for a queen.