News about Danny McGrain

Charlie Nicholas was a cover star for the NME with his leather trousers and Bono Style, and they now think he's 'Champagne Charlie' is being pursued by teens, who says, 'hang on, I'm in my 60s!', September 15, 2023
Exclusive INTERVIEW BY MATT BARLOW: Two crates of Moet & Chandon descended on Celtic's dressing room by way of congratulations to Charlie Nicholas for achieving 30 goals, but no sooner did they arrive than they piqued Billy McNeill's interest. They aren't all yours,' said boss McNeill, as he stared at the bottles of bubbly. Young Nicholas replied, 'I don't like Moet champagne, gaffer.' 'What you going to do with it, then?' 'You tell me, gaffer.' Danny McGrain, Celtic's captain, joined the discussion to insist that there were 16 players in the team.