News about Chloe Ting

Talk about gains! From Sommer Ray to Chloe Ting, the world's most influential fitness influencers were revealed, but do YOU follow them?, December 24, 2023
Many Britons who prefer it over a trip to the gym have found tuning in to home workouts, and the number continues to rise. According to a report, a group of just 50 people collectively has a massive influence on over 700 million people around the world. The new NFS Supplements report found the world's most influential fitness celebrities, who are changing the industry's landscape.

4 Black-Owned Collectives That Are Changing the Wellness Industry, January 25, 2023
There is no denying that the wellness market has burgeoned in recent years, particularly in the fitness industry. After all, we live in an appearance-obsessed world, and the influx of fit-fluencers in recent years has heightened our fears about our wellbeing and the aesthetics of being health conscious. Who can forget the chokehold Chloe Ting's gruelling workouts had us in during the pandemic? However, a slew of multicultural and racial disparities were revealed throughout a variety of industries, including wellness. Well, this is nothing new. Wellness has always been dominated by thinness and whiteness. We've been told that Black bodies are made differently from the start of time. We are bigger and less mobile than our white colleagues, so it isn't surprising that these thoughts would trickle down into the wellness market by normalizing procedures and marketing.