News about Carter Page

Speaker Mike Johnson is up for a critical leadership test as Republicans debate each other in the fight to reauthorize a contentious spy tool, December 12, 2023
Speaker Mike Johnson is put a crucial FBI spy tool back in action as he negotiates competing Republican priorities in legislation to reauthorize a critical intelligence device. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) section 702 specifically allows intelligence agencies to engage in warrantless surveillance. It's supposed to be used on international citizens to reduce terror attacks, but thousands of Americans have been caught up in it. If Congress takes action, FISA's term is expected to come to an end this year, and Republicans want key reforms to ensure that there will be no future abuses of the program.

In the midst of rumors that Tehran is expanding its ballistic missile program, the US has used a controversial spy device to stop Iran from buying arms, November 28, 2023
According to national security officials, the US has used a contentious intelligence service to stymie Iranian attempts to develop larger and more robust weapons. Their report is the latest in a string of arguments that Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is a vital device for shielding the United States' security as Congress considers reauthorizing the power before it expires at the end of the year. Intel agencies in the United States used it to track electronic communications of foreign weapons manufacturers, preventing arms parts from being shipped to Iran, according to two US officials.

Explicit: DoJ officials have been charged with espionage on watchdogs Jason Foster and Kash Patel, who were supervising the Crossfire Hurricane probe into Trump's collusion, October 29, 2023
In 2017, top GOP congressional lawyers were probing the Justice Department for the tense Russian collusion investigation, codenamed 'Crossfire Hurricane'. However, new reports show that the DoJ office they were investigating was espionaging on their phone calls and emails during a reportedly unlawful 'fishing expedition.' Tejpal Chawla, a federal prosecutor who has contributed to Democratic campaigns, is one of the most notable participants in the scandalous investigation, according to

The takeaways from John Durham's dramatic testimony are included in this article, June 21, 2023
Former special counsel John Durham spent nearly six hours rehashing the conclusions of his 300-plus page report with the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Durham was selected by then-Attorney General Bill Barr in 2019 to look at misconduct relating to the 'Crossfire Hurricane,' which investigated now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion allegations. In his book, he said four years ago that the FBI opened the flawed investigation 'based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence.' Democrats who suggested he was carrying water for Trump, but he defended the FBI and DOJ's integrity in the midst of a blitz from Republicans trying to remove funds from the departments. According to the four-year-long, $6.5 million taxpayer-funded study, the FBI may have only opened a preliminary, not complete probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Russian operatives.

The final report from Durham is RELEASED: There are no facts to investigate Trump-Russia collusion, May 15, 2023
In a scathing report obtained by, Special Counsel John Durham discovered that the FBI did not have enough "true facts" to investigate allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, including the instant probe, that none of the FBI's numerous extensive and costly federal probes, including the instant one, indicates that neither US law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community has any evidence of collusion in their assets at the time of the Crossfire Hurricane probe's launch.' 'British intelligence reports published by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that no one in the Trump campaign had been in touch with any Russian intelligence officials at any time during the campaign,' indicating that at any time during the campaign, no one in the campaign had been in touch with any Russian intelligence officials.'

Igor Danchencko, a Steele dossier source, has been cleared of charges of lying to the FBI, October 18, 2022
Danchenko was the source of British spy Christopher Steele's dossier, which claimed that Trump had ties to Russia before the 2020 election.

Christopher Steele, a British spy, was given $1 million by the FBI to back up the now debunked dossier, October 12, 2022
An FBI analyst testified that the former British intelligence service officer was given $1 million to back up facts in his infamous dossier, but was unable to do so. Brian Auten argued that the bureau received the call in 2016. He appeared in the trial of Igor Danchenko, one of Steele's most prominent sources, who is accused of lying to the FBI.

If Trump declassified 300 documents discovered at Mar-a-Lago, his legal team would refuse to discuss, September 20, 2022
Judge Raymond Dearie, the Trump documents case's "unique master," begged on Trump's staff to share details on 'declassification,' throwing them off balance.' In a tweet filed Monday, Trump's lawyers rebuffled, saying they don't want to have to'disclose a defense,' implying that if he were to have declassified the information in the case that he faces a criminal prosecution. In Dearie's Brooklyn courthouse on Tuesday, both government and Trump lawyers were supposed to face off.

In the Mar-a-Lago case, the Justice Department has agreed to honor a Trump-backed candidate for special master, September 13, 2022
The Justice Department accepted one of Donald Trump's nominees to look into the top classified documents discovered in Mar-a-Lago on Monday. Federal Judge Raymond J. Dearie was one of the judges to allow an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) request to surveil Carter Page, who at the time served as a foreign policy advisor for the Trump campaign.

In a court filing of a blast investigation, Donald Trump retaliates against the Department of Justice (seeming it as a'misguided storage dispute.', September 12, 2022
According to a court filing filed Thursday, the DOJ claimed that suspending its probe while the files are reviewed by a third party would cause 'irreparable harm' to national security. Prosecutors in the United States have requested waivers to the order when it comes to documents that have been marked 'classified.' Judge Aileen Cannon of the United States granted the former president a victory last week in the midst of an otherwise escalating tsunami of legal uncertainty. Cannon accepted Trump's offer to appoint a special master in order to look at documents confiscated by the FBI in order to determine whether they qualify under any privileges. The Trump appointed executive also ordered that the DOJ suspend its investigation into the dossiers pending the special master's report's conclusion.

In a surprise trip that has ignited concerns, Donald Trump flies into Washington, D.C., still wearing his GOLF SHOES, September 12, 2022
According to YouTuber Andrew Leyden's video, the former president landed at Dulles International Airport in his white sporting shoes and sped into a black SUV with tinted windows. Trump has a golf course in Virginia, but it's unlikely he rushed to the area for a game given the rainy forecast for Monday. Following the Justice Department's explosive probe into his handling of classified information after leaving office, his surprise visit to the national capital has sparked doubt over whether he is facing an indictment or some other court issue. According to the video, Trump was seen leaving Dulles around 6:30 p.m. on Sunday night.