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Andrew Garfield's Breakup Rumours is dismissed by Alyssa Miller as "Gossip.",
April 6, 2022
Not so fast: earlier reports of Andrew Garfield's and Alyssa Miller's breakup seem to be inaccurate. Following a publication by The Sun on April 1, rumors of the split began to circulate, but reps for the two stars did not respond at the time. Miller denied the rumors just a few days later on Instagram, dismissing them as mere "gossip." The model took a selfie with Garfield on April 4, saying, "If you must gossip, at least use a cute picture." Lol adores you."
Since first appearing together in New York City in November 2021, Garfield and Miller have kept their personal information private. They made their first official public appearance at the SAG Awards in February, but not walk the red carpet together. Miller was also absent from the recent Oscars, where Garfield's appearance in "Tick, Tick" was also on display. Boom!" He has been nominated for the best actor award.