News about Babar Awan

Why has Imran Khan been detained and what is the next move?, May 9, 2023
Khan was pulled out and led into an armoured car before escorting outrage from his allies around the globe, as shown by a dramatic video. His deposition came after months of diplomatic turmoil, when the retired international cricketer was chastised for claiming that a senior officer was complicit in a plot to murder him, which resulted in an assassination attempt last year. Since being ousted from office in April last year, more than 100 lawsuits have been lodged against Khan, including abuse and terrorism. In the majority of cases, Khan would be refused to hold public office if found guilty. According to reports, his detention today was specifically in connection with the allegation that he, his wife, and others accomplices entered a financial deal that resulted in the loss of £190 billion to the Treasury.